Stirring Words: God's Wisdom on Wellness

Stirring Up the Church

Judi Ulrey and Kim Taylor

Kim & Judi believe Stirring Words is a good work, but they need your engagement. Listen to their prayerful petition.

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Hi, this is Kim. Thank you for being a Stirring Words listener. What a joy to co host Stirring Words with Judi for nearly four years. I'm excited to announce that I'm entering a new season. After long and careful prayer and to optimize my time, I am shifting to focus my attention on the Take Back Your Temple ministry full time. It has been an honor. to speak into your life, and I pray that you continue to prosper and be in health as your soul prospers. In the meantime, Judi is seeking the Lord's guidance on continuing Stirring Words and would appreciate your ideas and support. Please email her at Judi, that is J U D I At holy health club dot com. Let's all pray together for god's perfect plan to be revealed


Miss kimberly


Hey Judi, what's going on today girl?


Well, that's sort of an interesting question You and I have obviously had a conversation before getting on this call and we have some things to share You With our listening audience and before I start that, I'm wondering if you would open us in some prayer.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Lord, we are grateful. Our hearts are just overjoyed with how far you have brought us. With certain words, Lord, we are just so grateful that you have demonstrated your faithfulness every step of the way. We faced some challenges from the very beginning, technical challenges for several months before we started our first episode, but you have brought us through to this point. And Lord, we know that you have been pleased with the work that we have been doing with Stirring Words because we've received the letters from people, emails, rather, ratherum, to say what a difference it has made. So Lord, we just thank you and it is our desire to continue to give you glory through sharing the words that you have given to us for your people to inspire them to live a life of health Amen. And wellness Spiritually, mentally, and physically. So Lord have your way in this session today. And we shall continue to give you honor, praise, and glory in everything in Jesus's name. Amen.


Amen. Sister. So, to give our listeners a heads up, I'm going to be starting a really exciting series next week that I'm calling Pray the Word. But before we do that, Kim and I have an important announcement. We are very humbled and proud to share that Stirring Words, today, June 7th, 2023, is our three year anniversary. Yay! That's a big deal. Three years, Kim Taylor. And you and I have presented over 150 sessions. And we recently received notice from our podcast hosts that we have exceeded over a hundred thousand downloads. And Kim, you and I just give God the glory. We give God the glory. And I am so grateful for your introductory prayer that says it is a privilege. But after much prayer, Kim and I have jointly decided that we are unable to continue offering this ministry without your engagement, without your help. Because candidly, not only have we been donating our time, We've also been paying out of pocket for our production costs. Now, we believe that Stirring Words is a good work. We believe that. It is Bible based. And week after week after week, we reflect on God's holy word. Our mission has been to uplift the church, to change your health habits. And honestly, I don't know. I don't know if there's another podcast out there that's Bible based health and wellness. counsel or insights. So we have been carrying a financial burden, but our petition today isn't just about financial support. So I'm going to let him, you speak for yourself, but I believe that God has given us a message that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the physical condition of the capital C Church can be improved. I believe that. I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit. lives can be transformed. Our passion, our purpose, is to stir up the church to action. Therefore, experiencing physical transformation. I call it spirit fueled fitness, if you will. And every week when we do a Stirring Words, session. We offer an action invitation and we encourage you, our listeners, to do it, to discuss it with someone else, to support someone else. And we, the church, are called to stir one another up, to love and good deeds. And Kim and I believe that includes our physical choices. And we remind you often that the best way to stay on track yourself is to uplift someone else. But the challenge is we can't tell if you're doing anything or if you're just listening. And I have to tell you again, I'm not going to speak for Kim. It, to me, it sort of feels like we're speaking into a vacuum. And candidly, that's discouraging for me. I sort of need to see Results. I need to see movement, figuratively and literally, because call me crazy. I and I've shared this before. I have a vision that are Stirring Words community becomes a church wide movement. And I'd actually I've actually offered to present a structured program where I published daily tips and weekly challenges. I've sort of thought of calling it the daily doing, if you will. Where then subscribers reply, I did it. So anything from eating a healthy breakfast to supporting a friend to, you know, whatever the daily action step is, subscribers go, I did it. I did it. And you know what that does? That means you're slowly taking steps forward. And to be able to publicly say, I did it and see others say, I did it, that creates a sense of accountability and then success. And that spurs enthusiasm. So I think there's real merit for us as a Stirring Words community to Publicly step out and do. Bottom line is we don't want Stirring Words to just be a podcast, a platform for listening only. We want it to be a movement where members are taking action and heating James 122 that says be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving yourselves. for joining us. Candidly, listening without doing is deception. Finally, but most importantly, my personal prayer for Stirring Words has been 2 Thessalonians 1, 11, and 12. It sits on my desk, and I have prayed this passage many, many times relative to you, over you, our listeners, and for Stirring Words. And it reads, To this end, we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you and you in him, according to the grace of God. of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ. This passage explicitly answers The purpose of Stirring Words so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified. And we are boldly asking you today to join us in this ministry so that the name of our Lord Jesus may continue to be glorified. So Kim, I'm sure our listeners also want to hear what your heart is saying.


Well, thank you so much, my sister. And I am just, as I mentioned, overjoyed that the Lord has given us three years of being able to bring Stirring Words to His people. Because we do believe that He wants us, His entire church. He wants us to be whole, Spiritually, physically, mentally. And you and I, through our commitment to Stirring Words. We desire to continue to help others achieve that wholeness. And I will say, Judi, that I have received some emails from listeners who have said what an impact Stirring Words has made in their lives and how much the show has inspired them to better health. And, and I just wanted to share a couple of the messages and one was from a listener named Susanna. And she said, I love your podcast, listening to it while walking to the gym and work. It has blessed me so much. Thank you God for your Spiritual food. And that was an encouragement to, to receive. And then we had another re, a listener named Lori, and she wrote, this was an amazing podcast. Absolutely moving and rich. I forwarded on to several people, not only fitting for weight loss, but for every area of our lives. And so Judi, even as we complete year number three, you and I, we did have that heartfelt heart to heart and say, can we continue to do this? Because As you mentioned, we do invest in the ministry to keep Stirring Works going, but it has been a difficult thing to continue. So we know that Stirring Works has made an impact in the lives of our listeners. And we want to continue to produce this show for as long as we possibly can, but we cannot do it. Without our listeners help and we rely on the support of listeners to keep the show going. We've done it for three years, but going forward for year four, we need help. We need partnership for those listeners whom the Lord puts on your heart to contribute to this work and partner with us in continuing to produce Stirring Words. And so we would like you to consider joining us in a subscription to Stirring Words. Now, we know that there may be those who are unable to subscribe due to financial reasons, but then there are those who are, and, and so we just wanted to ask you. According to what the Lord puts on your heart, we're going to give you several options with Judi. We'll talk about Judi mentioned that, but we're going to give you options so that when you go to the takebackyourtemple. com forward slash donation page, you'll see those options that are available because it will, whatever amount that you're able to provide with a subscription, it will help us to cover the costs of producing the show and it will help us to reach even more listeners. You know, Judi, that was an amazing thing. A hundred thousand downloads, but we know that the Lord can do so much more through us. So I've just shared what's on my heart. And now I'm going to turn it back over to my sister, Judi.


Thank you, my friend and sister. So, bottom line, as Kim said, she and I both want to continue presenting God's,but in order for us to stay on the air, we have decided we need at least 200 monthly subscribers. We need at least 200 monthly subscribers. So, our minimum donation requestum, I think is quite modest. It's 4. 25 a month, I say less than a latte, a buck a blessing, I also like to say. But if you'd like to give more, like Kim says, we're going to be offering multiple levels of support. So, in closing, effective today, Stirring Words is in your hands. And if you've been blessed and want to continue to be blessed by our messages, and as Kim said, if you are able, then please go to TakeBackYourTemple. com forward slash donation and subscribe at one of the levels. And God willing, enough of you will want to take the next step of commitment and we'll forge into our fourth year. starting in September. I mean, actually starting effectively, we're going to be forging. But if not, if we don't get enough subscribers, sadly, by the end of August, we'll have to bring Stirring Words to a close. So pray, pray, please pray. Ask God, what is His will for Stirring Words? We relish your prayers. And that in seeking God's will for this ministry, and if he moves you to support us, then we will be grateful. So I'm going to close this out in prayer. Gracious Father, to celebrate today, three years. Of Stirring Words is really sort of jolting to think that the day that it became clear that we needed to humbly come before our audience, our listeners and say, we need your help is our 3rd anniversary. And it isn't easy to ask for help and, you know, that Kim and I have been very prayerful about. Do we even should we even offer subscriptions, but. We do believe you have said yes to move forward to ask and, and we're believing that that is actually asking for someone. For the privilege of supporting us, the privilege of serving because what we know is serving others is what brings all of us joy. And we also believe that when someone is financially invested, they're more engaged and they're more appreciative and the more engaged and more appreciative, the more they'll listen and have their heart stirred. So I think it's just all good. And it is your hand moving. So I just want to pray, Second Thessalonians. 1, 11, and 12 over Kim and I and over our listening audience. God, make all of us worthy of your calling, fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by your power, not based on anything Kim and I do, but by your power so that the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. May be glorified. Amen.


Amen. My sister. Amen. And we believe that for those who the Lord does put on your heart to subscribe to Stirring Words. We believe that you will receive multiplied blessings in return, because that is our prayer that the amount that the Lord puts on your heart, it returned to you multiplied. So we continue to pray for you that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.


Amen sister. And again, next, I'm going to be starting a series called pray the word, and we are going to start. by praying through 2 Thessalonians 1, 11 and 12. So love you big Miss Kim and thank you for being my Stirring Words partner for three years. Andum, we will continue to see how God's hand moves. And I look forward to chatting next week.


Amen. My sister. And once again, listeners, please visit, take back your temple. com forward slash donation. And um,you will receive those options for subscription. So we thank you sister. I love you. Thank you. Once again, for those three, for the three years we have completed and we give praise to the Lord as well. God bless you. Talk to you next week.


Love you big. Bye. Bye.


Love you too, girl. Bye. Thanks for listening to Stirring Words. Be sure to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss a session. And please tell your friends about us. If you'd like to dig deeper into this week's message, you can reach Kim at TakeBackYourTemple. com and Judi at HolyHealthClub. com. Until next week. May you be stirred by God's transformative word. Thanks for listening to Stirring Words. We hope that our podcast is a trusted partner on your wellness journey. If so, please pray about partnering with us in ministry financially and subscribe at takebackyourtemple. com forward slash donation. Keep tuning in on your favorite podcast platform so you don't miss a song. And be sure to tell your friends about us. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to Kim at TakeBackYourTemple. com and Judi at HolyHealthClub. com Until next week, may you be stirred by God's transformative word.